Saturday, June 11, 2011

Our Group

Here is the group that is going to South Texas! 

First Big Trip!

 These past couple weeks have been amazingly busy but incredible. I have been really trying to build relationships with the students that I am working with. I have really been able to connect with many of them and I know that by the end of the summer, I am going to have long lasting friendships.


This past two weeks we have had a beach trip an exhausting lock-in, with Putt-Putt Capture the flag, board games and movie night, the first week of TNT(tuesday night thing) which is the Intermediate School weekly group, D-Groups which is the High School weekly group, roller skating, and make-up on the boys.

Roller Skating at Saturday Night Hang out

TNT (Tuesday Night Thing)

TNT Kickoff Pool/Pizza Party
 This church absolutely loves and completely supports our youth program and they do everything to help it be successful. That puts me in a great place to intern. I am learning a lot about how to do ministry, about who I am, about working on a team and about stepping out of my comfort zone. I have had good ideas, made mistakes, needed forgiveness, and succeeded in many different things. It has been a great time.

Tomorrow morning our Intermediate school group leaves to go to Hidalgo County, TX where we are going to be working with an organization called Mission Discovery. We will be fixing up houses and giving a Children's Bible School for the kids that live in the area. 

Please pray for our trip this week. Please pray for safety in our travels and at the work site. Also pray that we would all learn a lot from this experience and help to be Salt and Light to the people around us.