Saturday, September 1, 2012

Home for the wedding season!

I am currently on a plane headed back to Texas after two and a half weeks at home. On my way home I told my mom that this was the trip where I was most excited to come home. Last year I only visited for a weekend and then when I left at the end of the summer, I was upset about leaving, not knowing if I would ever make it back. This time I was coming home for an extended amount of time and I knew I was returning. No real goodbyes were said which was nice.
While I was home I attended two weddings of very close friends. The first one being the very first weekend that I got home. My best friend since I was three years old, Jenny, got married. I got to see her in her beautiful wedding dress and experience the wedding that we had been dreaming up since we were little. I cried with her as I saw her dance with her dad and older brother. I got to see her family including cousins aunts and uncles that I haven't seen in years. I got to eat her families amazing Puerto Rican food which brought me back to dinners at her house. We danced all night to crazy boy band music and Spanish music. It was a great night!
The second wedding happened just last night. Two friends that I have worked with the past six years, Alyssa and Bob, got married. One of the best parts was that my dad got to officiate the wedding. I was one of Alyssa's bridesmaids, so we spent the day prepping for the wedding, taking pictures, giggling about the day and finally walked down the aisle. The best part of walking down was that I got to look at my dad the whole way down. He did an amazing job with the ceremony, Alyssa looked amazing, I saw Bob tear up (which he might not admit to), and then we got to celebrate them! Another great night of dancing. This wedding had so many friends ad family attending, which made this night a blast! We danced to Justin Bieber, Journey, Garth Brooks, etc. I got to dance to My Girl with my dad just like when we would go to the daddy-daughter dances in high school. Mom and I did the Twist and even after two knee replacements, she's still got it (don't tell her I said that)! It was a great night. Alyssa and Bob deserved the best!
Between the weddings I spent every moment soaking up as much as I could get! I went and visited friends at North Park, which was weird but amazing! That experience assured me that I have friends there that will last forever and I know that where ever I am in my life, I will always have them to go to with anything. I went to six flags with my sisters, Christy, Corinne, and Kaylee and my cousin, Kelli. That was a great day spent together! I went to breakfasts, lunches, and dinners with friends and family. I got I celebrate my littlest sister, Kaylee turning 10 years old. I ate my Chicago style pizza, Italian beef and hot dog!
These two weeks were amazing and filled with people I love, which was needed!
Now I am on the plane headed back to Texas! I cannot wait to see everyone there and start the school year with my students!
Prayer for me the next few weeks, is probably that I will start this year strong. I am searching for a part time job at the moment, so prayer that I find one that helps pay the bills would also be appreciated.
Thanks for all your love and support . I have been feeling it so strong in my ministry!
More updates to come!